Local tie-ups

How many of these ideas can you use to win new patients from the street business?

We arrange the local tie-ups of your brands with local hospitals, local doctors, Corporate companies, NGOs, Travel Agents, Tour operators, Airlines, Different Associations of Specialists, Various Associations of General Practitioners, Paramedics, potential medical tourism facilitators, and medical event management companies, and diagnostic laboratories across the country.

A large or influential employer in your community – or a business across the street – aims at a special opportunity for new patients and cases, especially if you already have some of those employees. Here’s a way to get to know each other better, show value to those employees and attract new patients from nearby companies.

Let’s call them your “favorite local companies.” You know what we mean. Almost every hospital, doctor, dentist or medical spa has a local community business mental list that is (or could be) a new patient or business source.

You are currently seeing some employees of these companies and you have good reason to welcome others. Perhaps they represent the right demographic for you … higher, or family, or younger unit. Perhaps it is a local company that provides insurance of your choice. Or maybe it’s an organization that’s right across the street, or they’re a big or influential employer in the community.

There can be multiple reasons, and there can be multiple companies that are “your favorite” for different reasons. The key is to identify the selected groups of employees that you can especially and effectively attract to your practice or hospital.

A Rich source of new patients.

Start by putting a mental list of your local company on paper. Some company names will be at the top of your mind and the general manager of XYZ Company may be a member of your Rotary Club. Take the time to check with local chambers or business development groups to identify large and/or good businesses in your practice area. (You may be surprised.)

Consider the following strategies and keep in mind that one or more ideas may be appropriate for multiple target groups:

Provide posters for company bulletin boards that present educational, healthcare information, promote specific events such as “Lunch-and-Learn”, or special website pages for XYZ companies.

Do your employees have the opportunity to meet important people in the company? Arrange for an exchange of visits to get better acquainted with the affected people at your XYZ company (and to see what’s inside XYZ).

Bounce ideas from business representatives who come to your office. They can be a valuable resource for providing sample products or special offers for health fairs or presentations.

Social Media Marketing is a perfect platform through which we can share your best site and blog content for any reader. Once you create your loyal follower on social media, you will be able to post all your new content and your readers will find new things. Also, great blog content will help you create more followers. It’s an amazing way to marketing your content and social media marketing also benefits each other.

Depending on your specialty, consider ergonomic assessments, hard work programs, anger management classes, women’s health classes, fitness programs, eye safety, wellness programs, pregnant mother programs, and more.

You want to attract, target them specifically with the message which company has a source of new patients that you and your practice consider for their special attention. Focus on how they can benefit – conversations, passengers, or web pages. It’s not about generic “health”, or “what you do” – the message is worth it to them.

Through any of these approaches, the message for these employees is exactly how and why your practice or healthcare organization XYZ Compare uniquely understands and serves specific needs.

After all, this is your favorite local company.

we have more ways to win you over in the local community, contact us today to claim a seat. Discover the secrets of doctor marketing here.