B2B Marketing (Doctor to Hospital)

As the name implies, business-to-business marketing refers to the marketing of products or services to other businesses and organizations. This makes several key differences from B2C marketing, which is consumer-oriented.

Here we make connections between hospitals and doctors just by our work.

B2B marketing content is more informative and straightforward than B2C. This is because business purchasing decisions depend more on the bottom line revenue impact than consumer decisions. Return on investment (ROI) is rarely considered for the everyday person at least in financial terms but it is a primary focus for corporate decision-makers.

In the modern environment, B2B marketers often sell to purchase committees with different key stakeholders. This creates a complex and sometimes challenging landscape, but as data sources become more powerful and accurate, the ability to map committees and reach out to buyers with relevant, personalized information is greatly improved.

Who is B2B Marketing for?

Any hospital and doctor that sells services to others. We’re just marketing them to increase their brand value.

B2B marketing campaigns target any person (s) with control or influence over purchasing decisions. It can include a wide variety of titles and functions, from low-level researchers to C-suits.

Our Mission

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exercitation ullamco. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Types of B2B Marketing

Here are some common B2B marketing types and channels:


A basic foundation for almost any content group. Regularly updated blogs provide organic visibility and drive internal traffic to your site. Your blog can have any number of different content formats: written transcripts, infographics, videos, case studies, and more.


SEO best practices often change as Google’s algorithm (a lot), it creates a complex space to work, but any B2B marketing strategy needs to be accounted for. Lately the focus has shifted away from keywords and metadata, and much more towards search engine intent signals.

Social Media:

Both organic and paid should be mixed. Social networks allow you to reach and connect to potential places where they are active. B2B buyers use these channels to research potential sellers for increasing purchasing decisions.

White Paper / Ebook:

Individual resource containing valuable information, these downloadable documents can be gated (i.e. provide user contact information or do any other work for access) or unnecessary. Often used as B2B lead generation equipment.


Although its effectiveness is declining in the age of spam filters and inbox shocks, email will not disappear anytime soon. To work around overloaded inboxes, some sales and marketing professionals use LinkedIn email for lead generation.


This type of content can be applied to the previous few sections (blogs, social media, email) mentioned here but it is valuable solely because it is extremely important for B2B strategies.

We believe in affordable specialty healthcare for all.

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