Mr. Md Abdul Mujib

senior advisor Drobal

Mr. Md Abdul Mujib joined Bangladesh Air Force in GDP in 1988 and went under ground training and flying training in Bangladesh Military Academy (BMA) and Bangladesh Airforce Academy. He left the job in 1991 and after leaving the job he served with different private companies by having that opportunities he gathered required knowledge and expertise on the ground of Managerial activities, marketing and sales. 

But in the year of 1996 he established a Joint Venture Company named Azeem Velure Fabrics Pvt. Ltd and continued textile manufacturing business upto 2002. Since 2003 he started inventing business on Textile Knitting Machineries from around the reputed countries in the world. While continuing this prestigious trading business he evoked as business consultant and established trading  company named Humara Trading Corporation and in parallel with his other business he became CEO of a MES contractor company named MV Builders which still exists till the date. Not only the involvement with local business he started exploring his Trading business as International Commodities Trading on the banner of Humaira Trading Corporation. He is the only Proprietor and CEO of this company. 

As he started giving much focus on international commodities Trading he came across with international giant business men which led him to become Country Representative of ABRINTER( Inter Brazilian Investors Asdociation), Member of CTIP( Council for Trade and Investment Platform) and overseas Sales Director of Iron Ore Mining Company named Mofar Holdings (T) Ltd, Tanzania. 

Apart from this he also involved with social activities in the banner of Pragoti Shango, Khoksha, Kushtia

His main skill is on marketing, sales and creating excellent bond among giant busines men at home and abroad

His main focus is to bring foreign investors in Bangladesh for taking part in Socioeconomic development of the country and expand his business world wide sothat it can facilitate him to take part in such activities for those people who are distressed, disabled and underprivileged.